Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Due to this unprecedented COVID-19 global health event, Harpers Payroll Service has activated our Business Resiliency Plan.
This contingency plan will not disrupt our operations. This does not impact the processing of payroll and/or the timeliness of direct deposit or the timing of payroll debits for taxes/direct deposits or payroll tax deposits.
Click here for more information
Telephone Issue
We are temporarily experiencing issues with the main phone line (508)753-2385 and are working with the phone company to resolve as soon as possible.
You can call as at (617) 848-9503.
We apoligize for the inconvenience.
Products & Services
Client Testimonials
“I am especially impressed that I communicate with human beings vs. dealing with telephone recorded systems AND that the very timely responses to my needs (often report[s]) result in emailed reports w/in a minute or two. I couldn't ask for quicker turn around time ... !!!!!!”
Corporate Payroll Manager - 12/15
Payroll Debit Card
The Federal Reserve estimates 9.7% of the United States population does not have a bank account or is “unbanked”. There may be many reasons for an employee to be “unbanked”; credit problems or bias toward financial institutions are among the most common. The Payroll Debit Card helps employees in this situation by giving them and their employers a cost effective alternative to expensive check cashing services.
Employers can enjoy the Payroll Debit Cards as it acts very much like an employee’s direct deposit. It reduces costs involved with checks like reconciliation costs, check cashing fees from your bank, and even check fraud exposure.
Employers will love it because:
- Only employer cost is the direct deposit transaction to load the card
- Eliminates check reconcilitation charges
- Eliminates bank check cashing fees charged by your bank
- Reduces check fraud exposure
- Reduce costs of replacing lost checks and stop payment fees
- Provides a low cost, portable employee benefit
Employees will love it because:
- Much cheaper than check cashing services
- VISA® logo and name recognition
- Can be used anywhere a VISA® credit card can be including over the phone and online
- No overdraft concerns; only funds loaded on the card are available
- Does not require bank or banking relationship
- Is portable between employers
Your employees can be assured of the security of their funds. The Payroll Debit Cards are tied to individual, FDIC insured, accounts at the Alabama National BanCorporation (ANB). ANB is a publicly traded company with $5.4 Billion in assets providing banking services throughout the Southeast United States.
News & Announcements