Our payroll processing is a complete start to finish payroll cycle. Payroll Processing consists of check calculation, tax calculation, report generation, check signing and sealing. Our payroll processing tools allow users to utilize features such as our Pre-Process Payroll Register, unlimited paychecks per employee, unlimited Earnings and Deduction Codes and unlimited Direct Deposit transactions.
Paperless Payroll
You can elect to not receive payroll reports printed with payroll checks and deposit stubs each pay period. Instead, you can generate reports using our powerful payroll software at your location at any time for any date range, eliminating unnecessary paper. Additionally, if all employees are using a form of electronic payment, you can print payment vouchers directly to your printer and eliminate all delivery concerns.
Employee Self Service
Give your employees 24 hour access to pay stubs, W2s, tax and direct deposit information; empowering them, while freeing you up to do your more important tasks.
Automatic Issuing of Agency Checks
Eliminate some of the work for your accounts payable department by letting us handle your agency checks. Harpers can provide checks to a third party vendor or agency based on payroll deductions. Health insurance, garnishments, and 401(k) deductions can be placed on an agency check that will be made payable to the appropriate agency on a weekly or monthly basis.
Direct Deposits
The common feature of direct electronic payment to an employee's bank account has been improved. Harpers provides an unlimited number of direct deposits into different accounts at different financial institutions, per employee. Your employees can choose to have their pay divided by either static amounts or percentage of net pay into separate accounts.
Workers Compensation Calculation
Your Workers Compensation Premium is a direct result of payroll dollars. To relieve some of the stress at audit time, Harpers has developed a report to provide necessary payroll information for your auditors, including the calculation of the premium.